Customer-focused management by projects
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Project management has been successfully applied in companies for many years, and has proven to be an ideal way of managing innovative and unique tasks. However, project management can also be a way of focusing a company's resources on its customers. In order to achieve this, a new, much more entrepreneurial and company-wide approach must be taken. Customer-Focused Management by Projects provides a comprehensive overview of project management, and places it in a company-wide perspective. Vaupel, Schmolke and Krüger use their long-term practical experience in management by and of projects to present a complete management concept which can be directly transferred into practice. The authors set out an integrated management concept for project-oriented companies, including developing the management of individual projects as a company's core competence. The crucial role of corporate culture in the success of project management is emphasized, and an outline of the procedures and functions integral to a project-supportive culture is provided. The principles of organizational learning, metric systems and project benchmarking are applied to project-management, making this a useful and informative book for newcomers to Project Management and more experienced readers alike.