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The papers in this volume present an overview of the mineral species, possible mechanisms involved in their precipitation, and the range of depositional environments recorded for Fe and Mn minerals in surficial environments. The documented sites range from intracellular to million ton ore bodies. Introductory chapters in this volume present background material that outline the crystal chemistry and the common occurrences of Fe minerals and Mn minerminerals. Contributed papers document some bacterial mechanisms and reactions related to the Fe/Mn oxides in general. The range of mineral types and forms are described associated with and in bacterial species, in fungi and, as part of the special iron oxide minerals-protein complex, ferritin, in man. Modern geodepositional sites are covered by papers on desert varnish, on soils and groundwaters, on marshes, on oceanic sediments and mine ponds, which allow evaluation of, and may possibly contribute to, our understanding of the economic and geologically early (mostly Mn) deposits. The banded iron formations have been topics of investigation and discussion for a long time.