Theory and applications of satisfiability testing
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Inhaltsverzeichnis1. Invited Talks.The Big Deal: Applying Constraint Satisfaction Technologies Where It Makes the Difference.Exact Algorithms and Complexity.2. Regular Papers.Improving Stochastic Local Search for SAT with a New Probability Distribution.Lower Bounds for Width-Restricted Clause Learning on Small Width Formulas.Proof Complexity of Propositional Default Logic.Automated Testing and Debugging of SAT and QBF Solvers.Rewriting (Dependency-)Quantified 2-CNF with Arbitrary Free Literals into Existential 2-HORN.Synthesizing Shortest Linear Straight-Line Programs over GF(2) Using SAT.sQueezeBF: An Effective Preprocessor for QBFs Based on Equivalence Reasoning.Non Uniform Selection of Solutions for Upper Bounding the 3-SAT Threshold.Symmetry and Satisfiability: An Update.A Non-prenex, Non-clausal QBF Solver with Game-State Learning.SAT Solving with Reference Points.Integrating Dependency Schemes in Search-Based QBF Solvers.An Exact Algorithm for the Boolean Connectivity Problem for k-CNF.Improving Unsatisfiability-Based Algorithms for Boolean Optimization.Encoding Techniques, Craig Interpolants and Bounded Model Checking for Incomplete Designs.Statistical Methodology for Comparison of SAT Solvers.On the Relative Merits of Simple Local Search Methods for the MAX-SAT Problem.The Seventh QBF Solvers Evaluation (QBFEVAL’10).Complexity Results for Linear XSAT-Problems.Bounds on Threshold of Regular Random k-SAT.Dynamic Scoring Functions with Variable Expressions: New SLS Methods for Solving SAT.3. Short Papers.Improved Local Search for Circuit Satisfiability.A System for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems with SMT.Two Techniques for Minimizing Resolution Proofs.On Moderately Exponential Time for SAT.MinimisingDeterministic Büchi Automata Precisely Using SAT Solving.Exploiting Circuit Representations in QBF Solving.Reconstructing Solutions after Blocked Clause Elimination.An Empirical Study of Optimal Noise and Runtime Distributions in Local Search.Green-Tao Numbers and SAT.Exact MinSAT Solving.Uniquely Satisfiable k-SAT Instances with Almost Minimal Occurrences of Each Variable.Assignment Stack Shrinking.Simple but Hard Mixed Horn Formulas.Zero-One Designs Produce Small Hard SAT Instances.