S Sulfur-Nitrogen Compounds
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The present volume is the first of a series describing acyclic sulfur-nitrogen compounds with sulfur of oxidation number IV. The acyclic sw-N compounds are arranged according to the coordination number of the sulfur. Neutral compounds are described before ions and complex compounds. The preceding series „Sulfur-Nitrogen Compounds“ Parts 2, 3, and 4 covers the cyclic sw-N compounds. In this volume, the first section deals with sulfur-nitrogen compounds with 1-coordinate sulfur and begins with the sulfur nitride {thiazyl) radical, SN. This transient molecule was observed in its electronic ground state and several electronically excited states. The descrip tions of the sulfur nitride (thiazyl) ions SN+ and SW follow. The SN+ ionwas studied in the gas phase as weil as in the solid state where it forms salts. Thionitrosyl complexes containing the SN Iigand as a terminal linear unit are described at the end of the first section. The second section concerns Sulfur-nitrogen compounds with 2-coordinate sulfur and starts with the description of poly(sulfur nitride), (SNlx· The preparation, crystal structure, and metallic and superconducting properties of (SN)x, which were extensively studied, fill a ! arge part of the volume. Halogen-modified poly(sulfur nitride) such as the widely studied (SNBr )x 04 and Na-modified poly(sulfur nitride) are dealt with in the following chapters.