Experimental investigation of chemical-looping combustion utilizing gaseous and solid fuels
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At the University of Siegen a new technical approach of implementing chemicallooping combustion is currently under development. The new concept consists of a fluidized bed air reactor and a moving bed fuel reactor. This arrangement concept is taken from the Herhof-IPV-Verfahren ® autothermal two-stage gasification process, which also has been developed at the University of Siegen Hamel et al. (2007). The current work is located in the context of the ongoing development of this new chemical-looping combustion process. While applying the moving bed fuel reactor (MBFR), several advantages are expected regarding the conversion of solid fuels. In the beginning, the thesis gives an overview of the chemical-looping combustion technology. Not only the historical development, but also the different components of a chemical-looping combustion system – that is, the oxygen carrier as well as the arrangement approach are mentioned. Related technologies such as chemicallooping reforming are also stated. The core of the work focusses on the experimental campaign conducted with different gaseous and solid fuels. In a laboratory fixed bed reactor natural ilmenite and hematite have been investigated as oxygen carriers. The use of both gaseous and solid fuels allows investigating the influence of different parameters.