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Java Deployment


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Annotation Sun's Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) and Web Start technologies have re-energized the desktop Java market creating a strong need for deployment information. Java Deployment: Deploying Java Applications with JNLP and Web Start is for anyone who needs to solve the deployment problem for professional Java software, in particular for developers of Java software and customer organizations that install and maintain Java software for their users. This book is a practical guide and a reference for the new JNLP technology and its implementations. Overviews of the current state-of-the-art in the deployment-related technologies for Java and their impact on the implementations of a new-generation of network-centric software. Java Deployment: Deploying Java Applications with JNLP and Web Start takes a very practical approach to the topic of deploying Java applications. First, the book presents the major deployment concerns a Java developer faces and addresses the most common deployment scenarios. Next, the book addresses deployment issues the developer faces while coding a project. Finally, the book presents the JNLP technology and shows how to use JNLP in application deployment. Dr. Mauro Marinilli holds a degree in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Rome. His professional activity is divided between theoretical academic research and work as a Java development engineer. Dr. Marinilli has published several academic papers in Conference Proceedings and in specialized reviews, ranging from Information Filtering (IF), applications of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Adaptive Hypermedia. Dr. Marinilli is the author of the first Information Filtering Applet, implementing an original algorithm and one of the first and pioneering works on Java3D editor tools cited on Sun Microsystem's site.







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