The Past, Present and Future of the European Union
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Introduction; A.V.Deardorff The Euro and Enlargement; R.Prodi One 'Monetary Giant' with Many 'Fiscal Dwarfs': The Efficiency of Macroeconomic Stabilization Policies in the European Monetary Union; R.Tamborini Price Convergence under EMU: First Estimates; M.Lutz EU Expansion and EU Growth; A.V.Deardorff & R.M.Stern Regional Policies and Economic Growth in the EU; M.Boldrin EU Accession and the Catching-Up of the CEEC Countries; A.M.Lejour & R.Nahuis Measuring the Economic Impact of the Eastern European Enlargement on an EU Member State: The Case of Italy; R.Bardazzi & M.Grassini Dynamic Paths of the European Economy: Simulations with an Aggregated Model of the EMU as a Part of the World Economy; A.Bagnai Towards a European National Economy? Lessons from the Economic History of Europe; N.Valério