Linguistics and cognitive neuroscience
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InhaltsverzeichnisThe Nature of Semantic and Morphosyntactic Context Effects on Word Recognition in Young Healthy and Aphasic Adults.Activation of the Lexical-semantic System in Right-brain-damaged Right-handers.Category-Specific Lexical Dissociations.Selective Impairments of Action Naming: Arguments and a Case Study.Some Remarks on Representational Aspects of Language Production.Spontaneous Language and Impairment of Communication in Alzheimer’s Disease.The Time Course of Lexical Activation in Fluent and Nonfluent Aphasia.Interactive/Activation in Normal and Brain-damaged Individuals: Can Context Penetrate the Lexical ‘Module’?.On Lexical Properties, Syntax, and Brain Damage.Morphological Deficits in Aphasia: Problems of Representation, Access or Integration?.On-line Integration of Grammatical Information in Wernicke’s and Broca’s Aphasia.The Neurological Organization of Lexical and Structural Operations in Sentence Comprehension: Findings and Methodological Considerations.Automatic Semantic Activation for Lexical Perception: Normal and Disordered Processing.The Authors.